Bell Family Company

After School Sitter

Every semester, we routinely handle After School Sitter placements. Our After School Sitters come from every region of the United States and have previous childcare experience and a college education.

They are looking for the opportunity to help your child(ren) further develop during after school hours. They are either undergrad or graduate students, entrepreneurs, consultants or part time working men and women who love caring for children.

After School Sitters typically commit on a month to month basis. For families that want more consistency an After School Nanny is recommended. For families looking for flexibility with their bookings, schedule and would like a variety of wonderful personalities caring for their children an After School Sitter is for you!

Here is what some of our After School Sitters can do for your child(ren):

Typically, a family looking to book an After School Sitter will need non-consistent days and hours, for example the first week Monday 3-7 then the following week Tuesday 1-6pm and the week after that Wed 4-9pm. This option is best for families that need random coverage that changes week to week. Families in these situations can build a rotation of sitters that they love and those sitters can share the requests as needed.

Families simply send their request to Bookings with what start date they need, days they need covered, start and end time for each of those days and any special requests. Our team will then go out to our sitter pool to see who is available and a match for the family. We do our best to book a small rotation of sitters that share the job appointments, when the normal rotation is not available, we will go out and introduce another sitter to ensure you are always covered. Families can cancel at any time for a $12 fee, if a family cancels with less than 24 hours notice there is a $55 fee.

Please contact us for more information!

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